COSM A Technology Summit

COSM 2021


Innovations in Biotech: Killing Disease and Living Longer

Matt McIlwain, Managing Director of Madrona Venture Group, moderates a panel on exciting innovations in biotech that are offering new ways to both eliminate diseases and extend life. Panelists include Dr. Steve Meyer, Director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, and Dr. Jim Tour, Professor of Chemistry at Rice University.

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The Cloud Revolution and the Convergence of New Technologies

We are on the cusp of a Roaring 2020s.  Mark Mills proposes that the convergence of revolutions in three technology spheres is unleashing the next great economic boom: the means for accessing and propagating information, the machines that represent the means of production, and the materials domain from which we fabricate everything that exists. 

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The Myth of Artificial Intelligence with Erik Larson at COSM 2021

Author Erik Larson discusses ideas underlying his book, The Myth of Artificial Intelligence, as well what he is exploring in his next book, which focuses on the history of the 21st Century so far.


NFTs The Reinvention of Property

In the case of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain, actual ownership with legal standing is never in fact transferred for the underlying digital file. What makes NFTs valuable? And what does it mean to own them?


The Nanotech Revolution: Our Zero-Waste Energy Future

Dr. Jim Tour, Professor of Chemistry at Rice University, gives a riveting tour of how waste products can be converted to graphene, an extremely valuable material with a host of useful applications—from medical applications to new strong and lightweight materials to an energy source for zero CO2 emissions.


Blockchain and the new COSM Architecture

Telecom expert Dan Berninger facilitates a discussion examining the past, present, and future of the Internet. Together they outline a compelling picture of a next generation internet that is less cumbersome, more efficient, and more secure. Panelists include Gurdeep Pall, Corporate VP of Microsoft, Dr. Bob Metcalfe, internet pioneer, entrepreneur, and Professor of Innovation at the University of Texas at Austin, and Dan Mapes, Founder of Verses Technologies.


Quantum Computing: What Does it Change?

Dr. Julie Love, Director of Quantum Computing Business Development at Microsoft, describes the challenges of quantum computing, exposes some of the myths regarding the technology, and describes the types of applications that quantum computers are best suited to address—including clean combustion, energy, and water, and energy efficiency.