COSM A Technology Summit

COSM2024 Archive


COSM 2024 will hail the New American Century: exploring a technological transformation and revival of our country and economy as redemptive and cosmic as its renewal of technology.

Science popularizer Carl Sagan used to proclaim the insignificance of humans in a universe with as many stars as there are grains of sand on all the world’s beaches. Topological theorist Jennifer Cano responds that there are as many electrons in a single grain of sand as stars in the universe. These electrons comprise a nanocosm, a quantum universe with plenty of room at the bottom for intelligence at the top.

On the way are a new planar and waferscale electronics beyond silicon and even beyond chips. Coming is a new age of 2D simplicities beyond baroque 3D tangles of overheated wires and switches in plastic packages. In our pockets will rest cool personal supercomputers that empower us rather than reduce us to appendages of giant centralized data centers. American influence can spread through the world in a new spatial web rooted in proof of knowledge of a new epoch rather than in mindless power propping up the past in the name of progress.

Emancipated from a blinding mirage of mandates and manacles, we will discover a real intelligence (RI) distributed as widely as human minds, rather than an AI concentrated in huge data mines. A new science of “topology” with five Nobel Prizes can even transform our political world, with cool new 2D materials led by the miracle of graphene redeemed from garbage, and with redemptive new monies at once as scarce and potentially infinite as time.

A New American Century can launch a new American economics. It will be gauged and expressed in the eternal verities of time-prices rather than the price controls, industrial policies, spurious statistics, and emergency socialist palliatives of decline.

Opening up to a raveled world is an economics of superabundance beyond planetary games of scarcity. A positive-sum economics that enables all to win rather than all to wither in a net-zero maze of regulations and conflicts. At the heart of the new American economy is the new horizon of nanocosmic space and time. Like the original American saga, it opens a new frontier and tames an old wilderness. We live in an age of superabundance rather than scarcity, creativity rather than chaos, and global topology rather than a local lather of illusions. Topology defines the difference between heat and light, between random energy and ordered luminosity, between ambient noise and the music of the spheres.

Our new American Century will transform randomness into the creative surprises of enterprise, redeeming at once our political crisis, our technological impasse, and our cultural unravelling.

On to the New American Century in Bellevue, October 31 and November 1.

Featured Speakers

Designed by famed technology futurist, George Gilder, COSM will feature an astounding array of speakers — from Amazon and Microsoft, Intel and Madrona Ventures, with keynotes and interviews with Lloyd Watts, Balaji Srinivasan, Swami Sivasubramanian, and Bob MetcalfeJonathan Medved and Gilad Garon will discuss Israel, and, of course, Kyoto Prize winner Carver Mead will crown our proceedings.

Lynne Robinson

Mayor, City of Bellevue, Washington

Carver Mead

Gordon and Betty Moore Professor Emeritus of Engineering and Applied Science at the California Institute of Technology

Larry Sanger

Wikipedia’s Co-Founder and President of the Knowledge Standards Foundation

George Gilder

Author, Futurist, Venture Capitalist, and Cofounder of Discovery Institute

Gilad Garon


Jim Tour

T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Rice University

Swami Sivasubramanian

VP, Amazon Web Services (AI/Data)

Walt de Heer

Physicist and Nanoscience Researcher

Kirsten Lum

CTO & Lead Scientist,

Bill Dembski

Mathematician and Philosopher

Bob Metcalfe

Inventor of Ethernet and Turing Award Winner

Lloyd Watts

Founder and CEO, Neocortix

John Tamny

Forbes Editor and Author of Popular Economics

Gale Pooley

Author and Professor

Andrew Mayne

Founder, Interdimensional AI; Former Researcher, Prompt Engineer at Open AI

Jonathan Medved

CEO, Ourcrowd


Thursday, October 31

8AMRegistration Opens

9AMA Hallow’s Eve Welcome
Steve Buri — President, Discovery Institute
9:15Beyond Chips, Silicon, and Data Centers
Will We Be Spooked by the Coming Terahertz Waferscale Paradigm?
George Gilder — Co-Founder and Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute
Response: Bob Metcalfe — Inventor of Ethernet and Turing Award Winner
10AMNetworking Break
Fireside Chat
10:30AI and the Cloud
Moderated by Bryan Mistele — CEO, INRIX
Swami Sivasubramanian — VP (AI and Data), Amazon Web Services
11AMThe Wild West of Energy
Moderated discussion by Cole Smead, Smead Capital Management
Mark Mills — Distinguished Senior Fellow, TPPF
Jonathan Lesser — Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute
Kent Walter — Director, Arizona Public Service

12:15Accelerating the Endless Frontier
Vannevar Bush’s New Architectures for Transforming R&D Spending and Discovering the Next CRISPR
Thomas D. Lehrman — Managing Partner, Teamworthy Ventures
1PMWill We Be Haunted by a Non-Hallucinatory AI?
Lloyd Watts — Founder and CEO, Neocortix
Andrew Mayne — Founder, Interdimensional AI; Former Researcher, Prompt Engineer at Open AI

2PMThe New Web Paradigm: VERSES vs. OpenAI
Moderated discussion by Bob Kelly — Strategic Advisor and Investor
Gabriel Rene (via video conference) – CEO, VERSES
Response: Lucius Gregory Meredith – President and CEO, and George Gilder
3PMIt’s Just an Apparition: Unmasking AI Hype
Moderated discussion by Walter Myers – Senior Fellow and Board Member, Discovery Institute
Robert J. Marks – Director, Walter Bradley Center for Natural & Artificial Intelligence
William Dembski – Mathematician and Philosopher
George Gilder – Discovery Institute
4PMAgentic AI — Models are NOT All You Need
Matt McIlwain – Managing Director, Madrona Venture Group

6PMHosted Reception
Panel and Plated Dinner
7PMThe Israel Test and Global Technology Leadership
Moderated by Bruce Chapman – Founder, Discovery Institute
Jonathan Medved – CEO, OurCrowd
Jim Tour – Professor and Entrepreneur, Rice University
Gilad Garon – CEO, ASOCS
George Gilder – Discovery Institute
Friday, Nov 1
7:30-Friday Breakfast (Provided)
8:30The Bellevue Miracle: How Our Host City Became a Center of Innovation
Moderated discussion by Steve Buri
Hon. Lynne Robinson — Mayor, City of Bellevue
Panel Discussion
9AMThe Graphene Moment
Moderated discussion by George Gilder
James Tour — T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry
Walt de Heer — Physicist and Nanoscience Researcher
Michael Walshe — CEO MTM Critical Metals
10AMArtificial: Cartooning the Past and the Future
Amy Kurzweil (via videoconference) — Cartoonist and Illustrator
10:30The Increasingly Pressing Matter of Preserving Our Knowledge
Larry Sanger — Ex-Founder of Wikipedia, President of Knowledge Standards Foundation
11AMThe Economy of Superabundance vs. The Network Economy
Gale Pooley, Author and Professor
11:30Networking Break

NOONInflation, Deficits, and Crashes: Three Views on the Economy
Moderated discussion by Jerry Bowyer — Fellow, Center on Wealth & Poverty
Mark Skousen — American Economist
John Tamny — Forbes Editor and Author of Popular Economics
Stephen Shipman
— Investment Portfolio Manager and Securities Analyst
1:30What Happened to the ACES Revolution?
How Autonomous, Connected, Electric, and Shared Vehicle Technologies Stalled
Bryan Mistele — CEO, INRIX
2PMA Celebration of Carver Mead
Introduction by George Gilder
Chris Diorio — CEO, Impinj
2:45Closing Remarks, Conference Wrap-up
Carver Mead — Kyoyo Prize Winner (2022)
George Gilder
